Big Picture

Strategic Vision

I work with leaders to commit to a vision and to build resilient teams. Clearly communicating a firm’s purpose inspires employees to perform at a high level and contributes to the culture of the firm, assuring long-term health and growth.


Do you have to bend to accommodate preconceived notions of practice? Consider instead the value and authenticity of bending practice to you. Design your practice to reflect who you are, not who you think you should be.

Move from reaction to intention

Learn to shift from “waiting for incoming” to pro-actively planning a course of action.

Strategic advisor

In collaboration with firm leadership I identify areas of practice that benefit from deeper investigation, to improve culture, communication, and firm structure. This is "heart and soul" work.

Build Internal Awareness of Value

Approach your practice in the same way you approach the design of your projects. What methods result in the best outcome? Are there gaps that should be closed? What can be improved? Areas to examine at the strategic level include:

Leadership v. management: These are distinct yet overlapping roles. Are you leading or managing?

Communication internally and externally: What is our message to ourselves and to the outside world?

Market sector specialization: Is there the risk of too much investment in one sector over others?

Studio culture, identity, and purpose: Identifying the reference points that define the culture of your practice: structure and hierarchy, division of labor, roles and responsibilities.

Revenue capacity and finance: Identify your revenue target and be intentional about financial health and growth.

Staff recruitment, development, and advancement: Are you hiring for the firm or for the project? Every new hire influences the culture of your practice. What is your strategy?

Business development: Leveraging your network, building market acumen and experience.

Marketing and public relations: Build an outreach strategy that speaks authentically to your target markets.

Sounding board

I provide a confidential and neutral space for leaders to share ideas. This is critically valuable to small firms and sole practitioners.


I guide leadership to commit to core vision, mission, values, and goals, and to enroll and inspire their team.

photo credits: Michael Bernard

Virtual Practice